Emerald City Incursion Mk 2 – Day 1
We had a pretty good contingent from Portland, OR and Washington, WA making it up to the Emerald City Incursion,
Read MoreWe had a pretty good contingent from Portland, OR and Washington, WA making it up to the Emerald City Incursion,
Read MoreNow that Adam’s left the hustle and bustle of the city for the quiet of the suburbs, it’s fallen to
Read MoreAdam and I showed up to our monthly ITS tournament with random Combined Army and random Haqq lists, respectively. Since
Read MoreHere’s /u/GorkkTheOrc‘s first Tournament Report! Enjoy. –WiseKensai With Halloween being this week, our “Warcor in training” Ray wanted to run
Read MoreAdam’s moving out of Portland proper down to my neighborhood, which is good for me but bad for the Portland
Read MoreAdam’s out of town so I’m running this one. If you’re ever in the greater Portland, OR area on the
Read MoreFirst Saturday of the month means a three round Infinity tournament, run by our very own Adam (TheDiceAbide). This time
Read MoreAdam and entourage (myself included) arrived at the Rose City Raid venue, the Lucky Labrador Beer Hall, at about 9:30
Read MoreIt’s been awhile since I’ve taken my Ariadna or my Haqqislam for a spin, and I figured taking an Atek
Read MoreI’ve been playing a lot of Limited Insertion Biotechvore lately, primarily in preparation for this tournament. At least more than
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