August 2018 Hobby Progress – Starting JSA
So, I bought into JSA at Adepticon 2018 and finally got around to assembling them.I took a quick detour to finish up a second Ghulam ML, kitbashed out of a Red Veil Ghulam and the ML arms from the Govad. With only a little filing and greenstuffing, I was there.
Looks pretty good next to the original sculpt. I really like the pose too.
I’ve also finally finished a second Alguacil ML, for maximum trolling.
Adam sold out of his JSA, so he gave me his O-Yoroi pilot conversion of a Ryuken-9 SMG, which looks amazing.
I had a whole weekend of more or less uninterrupted assembly times, I just kept trucking along.
Eventually I finished the JSA starter box, the Domaru box, the Tanko Box, the Red Veil Ninja, and the Keisotsu box. Adam eventually sold me his JSA support box too, so I put that together as well.
I’m going to be playing my JSA in the upcoming painting league that I’m running, so I tried out a very.. McDonalds paint scheme.
I hated it, so I tried again. This time it’s better but it still doesn’t click…
We’ll see how it goes as I continue painting and trying new schemes. Thanks for reading this brief update!