Sprucing up Tzol’kin
So, t’was the birthday of a good friend of mine recently. She’s a huge eurogamer, and loves worker placement games.
She didn’t have Tzol’kin though yet, so I fixed that problem. The staff at my FLGS suggested I ink the gears to make them “pop,” so this happened:
I used Army Painter dark tone wash and just mushed it all over the big gear, and drybrushed the smaller gears with the appropriate colors. In retrospect, should’ve used a brighter green for Palenque. It’s too close to the grey I used for Yaxchilan.
To finish it all up, I cleaned up excess wash and paint with a Q-Tip. Vigorous rubbing did the trick (Get your mind out of the gutter.). Stuck on the gear tooth stickers, sealed with Army Painter matte varnish, and assembled. She loved it!